Veterans Tribute Ready for Visitors with VIDEO

The Board of Directors for the Veterans Tribute of Oakland Township (VTOT) held the Dedication Ceremony on July 31 It was a raining evening that didn't seem to dampen anyone's spirits for the event. Shuttle buses transported hundreds of people from Oakland Christian Church (just around the corner). Introductions of the many speakers were conducted by VTOT Director, Timothy Reese. Speakers included VTOT Director, Terry Gonser, former Oakland Township Supervisor and is credited as the concept … [Read more...]

Veterans Tribute Dedication Ceremony set for July 31

The Board of Directors for the Veterans Tribute of Oakland Township has announced the Save the Date note for the Dedication Ceremony on Tuesday, July 31, at 7:30 p.m., 5236 Adams Road, Oakland Township, MI 48306. Frank Beckmann, host of the Frank Beckmann Show (WJR Radio), will be the Master of Ceremonies. In addition, Congressman Mike Bishop is planning to attend, as he did for the Ground Breaking last year, Mark Newman, Veterans Coordinator for Oakland County will attend, as will many … [Read more...]

Mayor Bryan Barnett to Run as Write-In Candidate with VIDEO

Close to forty people from the community gathered at Yates Cider Mill on Monday to show their support for Mayor Bryan Barnett as he announced his campaign to run as a write-in candidate for mayor of Rochester Hills. The Rochester Hills City Charter limits candidates to two terms on the ballot. However, those seeking a third term may run as a write-in Candidate. Yates owner, Mike Titus, welcomed friends, area students and community leaders, including Congressman Mike Bishop and Oakland … [Read more...]

Barnett to Make Major Announcement on Monday

Mayor Bryan K. Barnett, Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson, Congressman Mike Bishop, along with Mike Titus, owner of Yates Cider Mill, and several Rochester Hills community leaders will be present to participate in the announcement of Mayor Barnett’s future plans. Mayor Barnett has served the citizens of Rochester Hills as mayor since 2006. The press conference will take place Monday, February 23 at 11 a.m. at Yates Cider Mill. Stay tuned to Rochester Media for updates on the … [Read more...]