Commentary on Memorial Day, by Judge Michael Warren I love pancakes, especially at the International House of Pancakes. However, when I sat down recently at my friendly neighborhood IHOP, I was barraged at the table with the message that I should "celebrate Memorial Day" by buying red, white and blue pancakes. My stomach ached instead of hungered. We should honor Memorial Day, not cheapen it with pretty pancakes. Of course, IHOP is hardly an outlier. Look around, the crass … [Read more...]
Skip the Sales and Pancakes this Memorial Day and Honor the Sacred Dead Instead
Time to Celebrate George Washington
By Michael Warren If images of wooden teeth, cherry trees, dollar bills, and carpet sales popped into your mind, I suspect you would be in very large company. Do these images accurately reflect his importance to America? Not so much. His contributions to the American experiment in self-government are unparalleled: Virginian legislator and revolutionary; Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army; President of the Constitutional Convention; and first President of the United States of … [Read more...]
Michigan Patriot Week passes in the Senate and House; Oakland and Macomb counties
It was announced today via press release that the State Senate joined the State House’s action from early this month and designated September 11-17, 2011 as Michigan Patriot Week. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley also designated Patriot Week in their respective states. Likewise, the County Commissions of Oakland and Macomb Counties also recently proclaimed the week. Patriot Week was co-created by Oakland County Circuit Judge Michael Warren and his now … [Read more...]
Oakland Circuit Court Constitution Day Program September 16
Oakland County Circuit Court is hosting a Constitution Day program for more than 300 students from various schools in Oakland and Wayne Counties to commemorate the historical day the United States Constitution was signed (September 17, 1787). A program is attached. You are invited to attend this important event. Please RSVP with Marcia Travis, Court Resource and Program Specialist, at 248-858-0296 or at so seating may be arranged for you. When: Friday, … [Read more...]