Dear Crabby, I was recently made aware of a program called "Couch to 5k." It is for couch-potatos like myself that want to train to be able to run a 5k race. Have you heard of things like this? What do you think about them? Sincerely, Happy Potato Dear Happy Potato, I am actually aware of this program. Mrs. Crabby brought it to my attention a couple years ago. Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of only hearing bits and pieces of what she tells me. So as she went on and on one day … [Read more...]
My Adult Son Won’t Leave Home!
August 18, 2010 by
Dear Crabby, My son just graduated college and cannot find a job. He has moved back into our house and just lays around on the couch all day. What can I do to get him up and out on his own? Sincerely, College Grad's Mom Dear College Grad's Mom, If Dear Crabby had a dollar for every time a parent asked him how to get their adult child to grow up, he probably wouldn't have to give himself haircuts. Let me begin by congratulating your son on his accomplishment. A University … [Read more...]