Dear Crabby, I was recently made aware of a program called "Couch to 5k." It is for couch-potatos like myself that want to train to be able to run a 5k race. Have you heard of things like this? What do you think about them? Sincerely, Happy Potato Dear Happy Potato, I am actually aware of this program. Mrs. Crabby brought it to my attention a couple years ago. Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of only hearing bits and pieces of what she tells me. So as she went on and on one day … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, What about this Couch to 5k business?
Filed Under: Dear Crabby, The Community Edge Tagged With: couch potato, Couch to 5K, couch to five cakes, Couch to More Cake, dear crabby, exercise, happy potato, live longer, Lose Weight, Mrs. Crabby, running, train to run a 5k
Novice Brooksie Way Half Marathoner races for 3-year-old family member

By Jen Bucciarelli Training for a half marathon is no small feat, but Julianne Reyes of Rochester said finding inspiration and motivation for the upcoming 13.1-mile journey was easy. Three-year-old Cecylia Weeks, who has been fighting Wilm’s cancer since July, is the source of inspiration who gets Reyes through each run and will push her to the Brooksie Way finish line on Sunday, Sept. 30. Reyes knew she would run for her second cousin after hearing what she described as a moving … [Read more...]