Op-Ed by Ravi Yalamanchi CEO’s of big Corporations and business groups are pushing immigration reform for US to give more visas for foreign workers. Governor Snyder supports immigration to highly educated students from foreign countries. Why the big push? Because companies are unable to fill jobs that require high skill sets. With unemployment at 7.9% nationally and 8.9% in Michigan and about 1.75 million graduating from college every year, yet companies are unable to fill jobs with high … [Read more...]
Hills to get police ballot proposal
May 22, 2012 by Leave a Comment
On a 6-1 vote, Rochester Hills City Council voted Monday to place a police funding proposal on the August 7 ballot. The proposal will ask voters to renew two expiring police taxes totaling 1.2083 mills for 10 years, plus up to 2.5 mills of new revenue, all to be dedicated to police services. Separately, council also passed a resolution expressing its intent to reduce general-fund spending by the same amount of new tax levied so the outcome would be tax-neutral. “The tax rate will not … [Read more...]