Hands-On Workshop at Cranberry Lake Farm Historic District 388 W. Predmore Rd. Oakland, MI Saturday, March 28, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Fee: $5 (*Please note the class has a 20 person cap so please reserve soon to guarantee a spot) RSVP: bbarber@oaklandtownship.org or call 248-608-6807 Your Instructor Master Gardener Clay Ottoni has been farming for over five decades growing fruit trees, cover crops, row crops, and vegetables. He regularly volunteers for Michigan State … [Read more...]
Down on the Farm in Oakland Township
The Oakland Township Historic District Commission to include Vintage Apron Exhibit at Event, as well as all the usual 'Down on the Farm' favorites The Oakland Township Historic District Commission will share a Vintage Apron Exhibit at their annual Down on the Farm event on Saturday, October 5 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The exhibit will celebrate the newly restored clothesline at Cranberry Lake Farm and showcase a collection of vintage aprons. The history of aprons goes back to the Middle … [Read more...]
Romance Through The Ages
Calling all romantics for an evening of Chocolate Fondue, Card making Crafts, and Culture at Cranberry Lake Farm Historic District - Tuesday February 12, 2019 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. - held in the main house at Cranberry Lake Farm Historic District, 388 W. Predmore Rd. Oakland Township 48363. Participant fee is $15 for Oakland Township residents and $18 for all others. Space is limited to twenty guests so reserve your spot today by calling the HDC office 248-608-6807 or email … [Read more...]
Hitching Posts at Cranberry Lake Farm Historic District
"Living in a township where horses are not only welcome in its parks, but are given parking privileges is great. I know of many equestrians who are selling their acreage due to lack of riding trails. Thank goodness this is not the case in Oakland Township,” said resident equestrian and Addison Oaks Trail Rider (AOTR), Libby Dwyer. “Having the Addison Oaks Connector Trail linked with Cranberry Lake Park was a great addition to our Annual Camp ’N Ride Event at Addison Oaks County Park this … [Read more...]
Doubleheader of Fall Fun in Oakland Township
Doubleheader of Fall Fun in Oakland Township on October 1 Down on the Farm 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Cranberry Lake Farm, 388 W. Predmore Road Open House at Fire Station #2, Oakland Township Fire Dept. at 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m., 1888 Rochester Road There will be tons of fun family activities free and open to the public, including a hayride, pumpkin painting, and horse grooming demonstration. Pumpkins painting is while they last, allow dry time and enjoy the other activities. Dinosaur … [Read more...]
Cranberry Lake Farm Square Dances
Square Dances at the Cranberry Lake Farm Historic District Two Saturdays this year, June 18 and September 10, 2016 Dancing is Free from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. More Details available about Square Dancing at Cranberry Lake Farm If you are reserving pit-smoked barbeque catered from Leonard’s Pizza, served only from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., make sure you RSVP to Barb so she can have an accurate head count. Bring your payment to the dance ($8 per person). 248-608-6807 … [Read more...]
Oakland Township Historic District Commission Landscape Master Plan
Oakland Township Historic District Commission Landscape Master Plan at Cranberry Lake Farm Historic District The Oakland Township Historic District Commission (HDC) is happy to announce its contract with Brian Devlin, Preservation Concepts Landscape Architect. Preservation Concepts will work closely with the HDC to create a Landscape Master Plan for Cranberry Lake Farm Historic District (CLF) located at 388 West Predmore Road in Oakland Township. Brian Devlin is an established landscape … [Read more...]
Capture history with local photo competition
Come and celebrate our agricultural heritage with Silos in the Landscape photography competition to be show cased alongside the history of silos, their construction, purpose, and function. GUIDELINES Oakland Township Historic District Commission (HDC) invites all to enter its 2013 photo contest. We are looking for images of Silos that are located in Oakland County, Michigan. JUDGING Images will be judged on originality, composition, technical excellence, and artistic merit. The judges … [Read more...]
Have some fun Down on the Farm!
Come on out to Cranberry Lake Farm Historic District Saturday, August 3, 2013 From 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. 388 West Predmore Road, Oakland Township Family fun and activities include: Historical displays and tours, traditional outdoor games, butter churning, chickens and horse display, horse grooming and care, and more outdoor fun! The event is free and open to the public! In collaboration with the Oakland Township Historical Society, Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve, and Oakland Township … [Read more...]