Organizers of a petition drive to amend the Rochester Hills city charter got the blessing of a divided city council Monday. On a 4-3 vote, council endorsed the wording worked out by a committee made up of the organizers, the city attorney and city officials. Councilmen Martin Brennan, Greg Hooper and Vern Pixley dissented. The petitioners, who have formed a new group called SPACE (Saving Parks and City Environment), have until Aug. 10 to gather 2,550 signatures from registered voters to put the … [Read more...]
Rochester Hills Residents Seek Ballot Proposal to Protect Parks
A coalition of Rochester Hills homeowner associations will mount a petition drive aimed at getting a proposal on the November ballot to amend the city charter to protect parks from inappropriate development. The residents formally asked city council Monday to put the measure on the ballot so they wouldn’t have to gather signatures. After several hours of debate, council voted to refer the matter to a committee to work on ballot language. The committee will include three residents, up to three … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Elections, General, Rochester Hills Tagged With: Adams High School, amend the city charter, ballot proposal, Bridgeman Farms Homeowners Association, By Annette Kingsbury, Cumberland Hills Homeowners Association, Gary Uhl, Mayor Bryan Barnett, Mike Hartner, Parks and Forestry Director, Ravi Yalamanchi, Susan Bowyer, undeveloped park