A Voice and Pillar of the Community Bob Lytle has worn many hats during his more than four decades in the Rochester area: community pharmacist, author of adventure novels for youth, city council member, folk singer/songwriter, poet, storyteller, and ballist (yes, that’s the term) with the Rochester Grangers vintage base ball club. Lytle grew up in Saginaw, where his father was a schoolteacher, but his fondest childhood memories were made at a small cabin in the Les Cheneaux islands. The … [Read more...]
Six New Members to be Inducted into the Community Hall of Fame for Founder’s Day Celebration
Rochester Hills Museum to Induct Six New Members into the Community Hall of Fame The Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm will be inducting six new members into the Community Hall of Fame at the Founder’s Day Celebration on Sunday, March 12 at 2:00 p.m. The Founder’s Day program is sponsored annually by the Rochester Historical Commission to recognize the founding of Rochester on March 17, 1817 by James Graham. This year’s event features PBS personality Tom Daldin and his wife, Rochester … [Read more...]
Daughter’s of the American Revolution receive Good Neighbor Award
Daughter’s of the American Revolution - Stony Creek Chapter - named recipients of the Rochester Good Neighbor Award The City Beautiful Commission (CBC) recently announced the winner of the first quarter Good Neighbor Award is the Daughter’s of the American Revolution-Stony Creek Chapter. The Good Neighbor Award program was created by the CBC to allow residents of Rochester to nominate an adult or youth for their good neighbor work. The award recognizes the ongoing efforts of Rochester … [Read more...]