Dear Crabby, I am all for a good deal or a door-buster sale, but why are these "big box" stores staying open on Thanksgiving? Don't those employees want to be with their families, and shouldn't the shoppers be with their families too? Sincerely, A. Simpleton Dear A. Simpleton, Ah yes, Thanksgiving Day in the USA. What was at one time a day set aside to appreciate our country, to give thanks for our roots, and to spend relaxing with family has indeed become a commodity to date. Years … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Do You Clip Coupons?
September 7, 2011 by Leave a Comment
Dear Crabby, I have never been one to clip coupons, but lately I have been thinking that it might be worth it. Do you clip coupons in order to save on your purchases? Sincerely, Spencer Spendthrift Dear Mr. Spendthrift, I must tell you that I am not a big coupon clipper. I just don't seem to have the patience or the time to sit down and clip those coupons every week. I certainly look for the low prices and have often been accused of being cheap, but I have not taken the time to … [Read more...]