Poletown was a once vibrant, ethnically diverse neighborhood in Detroit. In its prime, it had a store on every corner. Its theaters, restaurants, and schools thrived, and its churches catered to multiple denominations. The Rochester Hills Public Library (RHPL) presents “Detroit's Lost Poletown” with author Brianne Turczynski on April 29 at 7:00 p.m. on the library’s online Zoom platform. In 1981, General Motors announced plans for a new plant in Detroit and pointed to the 465 acres of … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Why Did the 2021 Major League Baseball All-Star Game Get Moved?
Dear Crabby, What are your thoughts about this year’s Major League Baseball All-Star Game getting moved from Atlanta to another city? I know you must have an opinion. Thanks!Felicia Flyball Dear Felicia Flyball, You’re in luck - I always have opinions! For those of you who have been living under a rock, or generally just don’t watch baseball, to begin with, let me fill you on the brouhaha. Good, old Atlanta, Georgia was supposed to host the 2021 MLB All-Star game at Truist … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Will Southeast Michigan Have a White Christmas?
Dear Crabby, This week is Christmas and what I really want to know right now is whether or not it’s going to be a White Christmas for those of us living in southeastern Michigan. What are your old bones telling you?Thanks! Irv B. Lin Dear Irv B. Lin, First of all, whippersnapper, ease up on the ‘old bones’ talk. Second, you bet your Bing Crosby it’s going to be a White Christmas! Well, sort of. Let me explain. Dear Crabby Gives Advice I have a feeling what you and many other … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Where’s All the Road Construction?
Dear Crabby, Before life as we knew it came to a grinding halt, there was road construction everywhere. Nowadays, I occasionally see a patch crew. It seems with less traffic that now would be the perfect time to get the bulk of the road work completed. Is it not considered ‘essential?’ What am I missing here? Thanks! Arnold Autobahn Dear Arnold Autobahn, You make an excellent observation. It seems like only yesterday, that I was musing whether or not the construction in our state … [Read more...]
Rochester Hills Residents are Invited to Volunteer in Detroit on Friday
Fourth Annual Rochester Hills Stands with Detroit Day Friday August 9 The City of Rochester Hills is proud to announce this year’s Rochester Hills Stands With Detroit Day. This volunteer opportunity, scheduled for Friday, August 9, is for Rochester Hills employees and residents to volunteer with Life Remodeled for their Six Day Project in Detroit. For the past four years, Rochester Hills has been involved in this initiative to assist with the cleanup and beautification of the … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Is the American Dream Still Attainable?
Dear Crabby, I don’t know about you, but I was sure bummed to hear about Mike Ilitch’s passing last Friday. He did so much for Detroit. As the news broke, I was surprised to learn he was a first generation American of Macedonian descent. Considering the empire he built, it got me wondering if someone starting out in America could do the same thing today. What do you think? Thanks, Steven Brulay Dear Mr. Brulay, You ask an interesting question. Mr. Ilitch was indeed a great man who … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Whose Superhero Side Are You On?
Dear Crabby, Now that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has been out for a few weeks, I’m curious to know which superhero you side with. Thanks! Diana Prince Dear Diana, You know April Fool’s Day was last week, right? There’s a better chance of me getting a tattoo on my fanny than going to see this movie. Don’t get me wrong. I get the appeal of these superhero movies, I really do. What I don’t understand all the need to make them so over-the-top. Big explosions and all that computer … [Read more...]
Slow Roll Detroit, Group Bicycle Ride on Mondays
What it is? Slow Roll Detroit is Michigan’s largest weekly bike ride with over 3,000 riders each week. Roughly, from the beginning of April until the end of October, bicyclists of all ages and skill levels take to the streets of Detroit, most Monday evenings. Everyone is welcome to participate with the slow pace to provide a safe and unique way to see the city and its neighborhoods. While membership is required, it’s inexpensive at only $10.00 to join at the basic level. Sponsors … [Read more...]