Housing starts signal Rochester Hills turnaround

Rochester Hills Mayor Bryan Barnett is comfortable being called an optimist. Even so, in his sixth State of the City Address last week, he sounded more upbeat than usual. Four years into the economic downturn, his strategy for keeping his city “the preeminent place to live, work and raise a family” seems to be working. “There isn’t any major criteria or metric out there that is going in the wrong direction,” he said a few days after the speech. “I think we still stand out among our … [Read more...]

Filming a Movie in the Rochester Area

Judging by the e-mails, phone calls, and text messages I have received this week, I am assuming that many of you noticed the Hollywood film crews around town. See our short video of the production crew in Rochester here.  I made a phone call to Rochester Hills Film Liaison, Ed Anzek, who was delighted to fill me in on the recent activity. Ed is the Director of Planning and Economic Development for Rochester Hills and as of two years ago is also the community's Film Liaison. "Our Mayor had the … [Read more...]