Op-Ed on Proposal Against Increasing Fire Millage

Please Note: The following is an opinion/editorial letter from former Rochester Hills City Councilman Ravi Yalamanchi regarding the proposed fire millage that will be on the upcoming ballot in November. These opinions are his own and should in no way be considered an endorsement by Rochester Media, but rather to show our continuing commitment to presenting all sides of a story and/or issue. You can read former Rochester Hills City Councilman Scot Beaton’s Pro stance on the issue here. … [Read more...]

Op-Ed on Proposal For Increasing Fire Millage

Please Note: The following is an opinion/editorial letter from former Rochester Hills City Councilman Scot Beaton regarding the proposed fire millage that will be on the upcoming ballot in November. These opinions are his own and should in no way be considered an endorsement by Rochester Media, but rather to show our continuing commitment to presenting all sides of a story and/or issue. You can read former Rochester Hills City Councilman Ravi Yalamanchi’s Opposing stance on the issue … [Read more...]