Dear Crabby, Does Rochester Hills have any community gardens? It seems like with what is happening in the world right now, they sure would come in handy as the victory gardens did during the World Wars. Thanks! George Greenthumbs Dear Mr. Greenthumbs, I remember victory gardens! Let me tell you, it was quite the sight to see all these mini gardens sprout up all over the urban landscape of Detroit. Up until then, the only ‘gardens’ I’d seen where when we traveled to Oakland county … [Read more...]
Clean your closet and shop at the annual Faith Church Clothes Swap
As we continue swapping out summer clothes for fall, and yes, eventually winter, I’m sure you’ve noticed that some of last year’s items don’t quite fit like they should. Well, you’re in luck because it’s once again time for the annual Faith Church Clothes Swap taking place this Saturday, October 11 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. in Rochester Hills. This event has consistently been a blessing to those in and around the community and we hope you’ll choose to take part in it this year. Let’s get … [Read more...]
Spring clean your house and help those in need!
The annual Faith Church Attic Sale is set for Saturday, March 29, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. There will be antiques, furniture, collectibles, and more - with price reductions every hour! It’s a yard sale with a purpose as the proceeds go to support community outreach and those in need! Faith Church is located at 160 West Hamlin Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307 Call 248-651-3535 with any questions or if you have items to donate. Drop off your good from noon to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, … [Read more...]
SpringHill Day Camp comes to Rochester Hills, Summer 2013
Children in Rochester Hills, MI have a new camp to attend this summer. SpringHill Day Camp is coming to Faith Church on Hamlin Road in Rochester Hills, Monday, August 12 through Friday, August 16 from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The camp is for children who have completed kindergarten through 4th grade. The cost to attend the camp is $159. Sibling discounts are available, as are full and partial scholarships for families who cannot afford the cost of camp. To inquire about the scholarships … [Read more...]
SpringHill Day Camp Coming to Faith Church in Rochester Hills August 13-17, 2012
Children in Rochester Hills, MI have a new camp to attend this summer. SpringHill Day Camp is coming to Faith Church on Hamlin Road in Rochester Hills August 13th – 17th from 9AM – 4PM. The camp is for children who have completed kindergarten through 4th grade. The cost to attend the camp is $159. Sibling discounts are available, as are full and partial scholarships for families who cannot afford the cost of camp. To inquire about the scholarships please contact At … [Read more...]
Clear Out Your Clutter
It may feel like summer outside, but the calendar is officially proclaiming spring. I love spring, for the promise of fresh beginnings, for shedding off layers, and for seeing more of the neighbors again. I also love it for cleaning. To put away the coats, organize the garage, and renew the landscaping are all welcome chores. I especially relish the glorious results of cleaning that are often found in garage and attic sales that will quickly be popping up. The time is here to give away, hunt for … [Read more...]
Local College Students Remembered By Many
On Saturday afternoon, October 22, 2011, two local college students were killed in a motor vehicle accident on I-75. A group of Oakland University College students were driving in a caravan down to Detroit for a book fair around 3pm in the afternoon when a sudden traffic jam caused a multi-car collision. Rachel Ring and Jenna Balabuch, both 19 years old, lost their lives in the wreck, and the driver was listed in critical condition after their car was struck from behind. Rachel Ring had spent … [Read more...]
Rochester Hills Faith Church Heading to Joplin to Help
We have settled in on travel dates for the Joplin Mission Trip. We will depart late afternoon on Wednesday, July 6 and return the evening of Wednesday, July 13. Hopefully, the new dates will give more people the opportunity to serve. Please take some time to pray about your participation and consider going. Keep in mind that even though we are not seeing much about the disaster in Joplin on the news any longer there are still great needs that can only be met through the hands of caring … [Read more...]
SpringHill Day Camp Coming to Faith Church in Rochester Hills, MI
(May 13, 2011 – Rochester Hills, MI) Children in Rochester Hills, MI have a new camp to attend this summer. SpringHill Day Camp is coming to Faith Church on Hamlin Road in Rochester Hills August 15th – 19th from 9AM – 4PM. The camp is for children who have completed kindergarten through 4th grade. The cost to attend the camp is $149. Sibling discounts are available, as are full and partial scholarships for families who cannot afford the cost of camp. At SpringHill's Summer Day Camps kids … [Read more...]