Oakland County Health Division (OCHD) will once again offer the flu vaccine that guards against four flu viruses this season beginning Tuesday, Oct. 6. This year’s vaccine protects against Type A H1N1, H3N2, and two Type B strains which are most likely to occur this season. “Our goal is to keep our residents healthy,” said Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson. “We urge them to take the necessary precautions against the flu this season and every season.” “Get a flu shot to protect … [Read more...]
Crittenton continues flu combat
January 30, 2013 by Leave a Comment
In the midst of an epidemic, last week we covered some diagnostic tips when it comes to the flu and how to recognize when you need to head to the emergency room if your symptoms escalate. But this week, a Crittenton Hospital Medical Center expert shares a couple preventive measures to help you avoid the infamous virus this winter. Starting with home base At the beginning of the influenza season in October, Crittenton engaged in anti-flu combat by starting at square one—immunizing their … [Read more...]