Rochester Hills Museum to Host Annual Founder’s Day Event March 11 The Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm will be inducting three new members into the Community Hall of Fame at the Founder’s Day Celebration on Sunday, March 11 at 2:00 p.m. The annual Founder’s Day program, sponsored by the Rochester Historical Commission, recognizes the founding of Rochester on March 17, 1817 by James Graham. This year’s event features renowned ragtime pianist, Bob Milne. Bob grew up in Rochester … [Read more...]
Rochester Hills Museum Community Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony at the Founder’s Day Celebration
March 6, 2018 by 1 Comment
Founders Day Celebration Kicks Off Bicentennial March 12
February 20, 2017 by Leave a Comment
City of Rochester Kicks Off Bicentennial Celebration at the Rochester Hills Museum Twenty-Seventeen marks the 200th Anniversary of the founding of the City of Rochester. Founded in 1817, Rochester is the first settlement in Oakland County. The City is planning a series of Bicentennial events throughout the year to celebrate this milestone event. The first Bicentennial event is Founders Day on Sunday, March 12, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm. The event will … [Read more...]