Free Parking in Downtown Rochester

Free Parking in City Parking Decks and at Meters Thru April 13 The City of Rochester has suspended parking collections through April 13 and is forgoing collecting hourly fees at public decks, metered parking lots, and metered street parking. This should allow easier access to businesses to get carryout food, essential items, and medication. Click here for Carryout/Delivery Guide … [Read more...]

Parking in Downtown Rochester

Downtown Rochester Parking By Michael Dwyer Main Street Makeover Shoppers, employees and other downtown visitors to Rochester may have noticed the parking meters on Main Street have disappeared thanks to the Main Street Makeover. While anyone coming to town appreciates free parking near their destination, it has caused a major problem for almost everyone. Arriving at the start of the day, local employees take many of the prime spots on Main Street and in the parking lots behind the … [Read more...]