Writing Groups, News, and 2014 Events The Freelance Marketplace Writers' Group meets the third Tuesday of the month at the Rochester Hills Barnes & Noble Bookstore at 7:30 p.m. We are not a critique group - we discuss the business of writing. Join us once, once in a while, or every time. It's free and open to new, working, and published writers, illustrators, and photographers. Author Ron Herron will be our guest moderator this month, Tuesday, January 21, for a general discussion on the … [Read more...]
Rochester Writers’ Group and Events for 2014
Filed Under: Events, General Tagged With: a rally of writers, author, detroit working writers, Freelance, Michael Dwyer, Oakland University, rochesteter writers, workshop, Writers Conference, writing
Freelance Writers Group at Borders
The Freelance Marketplace Writers' Group meets Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rochester Hills Borders Bookstore in the Cafe area. We discuss the Business of Writing. Open to new and published writers, photographers and illustrators. Free to attend. Michael Dwyer Travel Columnist, Freelance Writer & Broadcast Journalist (248) 651-6869 Annual Rochester Writers' Conference: www.RochesterWriters.com Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/talktravel Join my Facebook … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Publishing Tips, Rochester Hills Tagged With: author, Freelance, writer