Rochester Hills Citizens Get Ballot Change Approval

City Clerk, Jane Leslie, called yesterday to inform me that the Clerk's office had finished it's review of the over 3000 signatures that had been submitted on petitions, and that they had found 2799 of them to be valid. Since we only needed 2584, the Amendment would definitely be on the ballot in November. Toward that end, she had forwarded it, with a letter, to the Governor for his review and approval. Since the petition language is not in the form of a ballot question, she had forwarded it to … [Read more...]

Rochester Hills Residents Seek Ballot Proposal to Protect Parks

A coalition of Rochester Hills homeowner associations will mount a petition drive aimed at getting a proposal on the November ballot to amend the city charter to protect parks from inappropriate development. The residents formally asked city council Monday to put the measure on the ballot so they wouldn’t have to gather signatures. After several hours of debate, council voted to refer the matter to a committee to work on ballot language. The committee will include three residents, up to three … [Read more...]