After last weeks report on residents spotting Giant Hogweed on the Paint Creek Trail the Oakland Township Stewardship technicians surveyed the Paint Creek Trail from Dutton to Gunn Road looking for it (Heracleum mantegazzianum); no hogweed was found. However, multiple populations of the native 'look-a-like' species, Cow parsnip (Heracleum maximum), were seen. A few traits to differentiate the species include: - Cow parsnip - leaves and stem softly fuzzy; usually no taller than 8' - … [Read more...]
Giant Hogweed Plants Thought to be Spotted on Paint Creek Trail
July 7, 2011 by 3 Comments
Earlier this week, a couple from Rochester Hills reported that they thought they saw Giant Hogweed plants on The Paint Creek Trail. These plants are beautiful, but very dangerous if handled. Fox news reported that a woman in New York has gone blind from getting the sap in her eyes while attempting to transplant it. The couple called Dinosaur Hill and has inquired with others to find out if the plants spotted in Rochester are in fact these dangerous Giant Hogweed plants. The … [Read more...]