Dear Crabby, Governor Whitmer’s announcement that movie theaters are allowed to open back up on October 9 has me pretty excited. I really missed being able to kick back in those comfy reclining seats and get lost in a story for a couple of hours. But now I’m hearing that some movies are getting pushed back and some cinemas might not open back up at all. Is this the end of the movies as we know it? Thanks!E. BertDear E. Bert, Yes. It’s great that movie theaters in Michigan can reopen … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Where Can I Go Swimming?
Dear Crabby, Not to be too overdramatic, but is it safe to go swimming this summer? And if so, where? Thanks! Amy Island Dear Amy Island, Duunnn dunnn... duuuunnnn duun. Sorry. As soon as I read your question all I could think of was the movie Jaws. If anyone reading this doesn’t know what I’m talking about, you may not be the target audience for my column. Or perhaps you’ve led a sheltered life. Either way, I suggest you go ahead and watch it. Better yet, read the book by Peter … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Where Are the Community Gardens?
Dear Crabby, Does Rochester Hills have any community gardens? It seems like with what is happening in the world right now, they sure would come in handy as the victory gardens did during the World Wars. Thanks! George Greenthumbs Dear Mr. Greenthumbs, I remember victory gardens! Let me tell you, it was quite the sight to see all these mini gardens sprout up all over the urban landscape of Detroit. Up until then, the only ‘gardens’ I’d seen where when we traveled to Oakland county … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Are We Going to Have Yet Another New Gas Tax?
Dear Crabby, Are We Going to Have Yet Another New Gas Tax from Governor Witchmer? Sincerely, Ian Fuming Dear Mr. Fuming, First of all, it's Governor Whitmer, not Witchmer, but that can happen when proposed taxes seem like evil spells. Nothing has been decided yet, but the new governor is suggesting it will take an additional 45 cents per gallon to fix the darn roads (she uses a different word, but this is a family show), which is an extra $6-10 per fill-up, per car, on … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Will These Snow Days Ever End?
Dear Crabby, Mother Nature seems to be enjoying toying with the lives of Michiganders lately. And I won’t deny it’s been cold and snowy, but do you think these snow days are getting out of control? And will schools ever be able to make them up? Thanks, Elsa Erin Dale Dear Elsa Erin Dale, I saw a funny picture on Facebook that read, “It’s like Mother Nature is mad and keeps storming out, then coming back yelling, ‘And another thing!’” And that’s certainly the way it has felt these … [Read more...]