In our world where we are over saturated with advertising about all the new stuff we need to buy it can be hard to keep an honest perspective between wants and needs. Society makes you feel that if you don’t have all the newest gear, gadgets, or toys you are old fashioned or ill-equipped for life. I try to teach my son that stuff doesn’t matter or make you better than anyone else. Buying used is one way I am trying to show him that you either get tired of your stuff, it breaks, or you outgrow … [Read more...]
Main Street Survival
April 11, 2012 by Leave a Comment
The trucks are rumbling, the lampposts are down, and restless drivers are snaking their way around Rochester's side streets. The reconstruction effort has wasted no time, and the street has quickly begun to be deconstructed first. There's no doubt that when the project is complete, Rochester is in for a fresh visual appearance. What worries me, as an inch past block after block of heavy equipment, is the livelihood of our local independent merchants. Without any prompting, my precocious … [Read more...]