Dear Crabby, As we get closer to Christmas, my wife wants to watch more Christmas movies together. The problem is all the movies she picks are either boring or cheesy. Do you have any suggestions for any unconventional Christmas movies I won’t fall asleep watching? Thanks! Wes BanditDear Wes Bandit, Boy, do I feel you on this subject. Last year I talked about how Mrs. Crabby LOVES those dang Hallmark Christmas Movies. This year there are 41 NEW movies and they started rolling them … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, What are my Exciting, Non-Sappy Christmas Movie options?
Dear Crabby, Why are Halloween Tchotchkes Suddenly Everywhere?
Dear Crabby, My sister and I went out this past weekend for a little retail therapy in the hopes of scoring some great end-of-the-summer deals. Do you know what we found instead? Halloween! Nearly every store we walked into had full-blown Halloween and fall displays. Is it just me or is it too early for all this? Thanks,Mindy Midsummer Dear Mindy Midsummer, Ugh. I’d really love to know what sort of calendar retailers are working off from. It has to be different from what I have … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Will there be any Award Shows to Watch in 2021?
Dear Crabby, It seems like recently I heard something about nominations for some award show. With cinemas closed and that pesky pandemic still around, are award shows still a thing? Thanks!Paula PresenterDear Paula Presenter, They sure are. And here’s the funniest part: there was an awards season last year too. If you missed it, don’t feel too bad. I think a lot of people did. Like you mentioned, something about a pandemic going on. If you’re a longtime reader of my column you know … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Will Southeast Michigan Have a White Christmas?
Dear Crabby, This week is Christmas and what I really want to know right now is whether or not it’s going to be a White Christmas for those of us living in southeastern Michigan. What are your old bones telling you?Thanks! Irv B. Lin Dear Irv B. Lin, First of all, whippersnapper, ease up on the ‘old bones’ talk. Second, you bet your Bing Crosby it’s going to be a White Christmas! Well, sort of. Let me explain. Dear Crabby Gives Advice I have a feeling what you and many other … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Where Has All The Holiday Spirit Gone?
Dear Crabby, Like a lot of people, I’m hustling around and trying to get those last-minute gifts and other holiday preparations done before Christmas. Is it just me or are people a little ruder this year? Everyone I encounter no matter where I go just seems to be in a foul mood. Where has all the cheer, goodwill, and holiday spirit gone? Thanks! Holly Hopeful Dear Holly Hopeful, Instead of singing, ‘It’s the most wonderful time of the year!’ they should change the lyrics to ‘It’s … [Read more...]