Rochester Rotary Donates $2,000 to HAVEN

HAVEN - Oakland County Domestic Abuse & Sexual Assault Center The Rochester Rotary Club’s charity organization, Rochester Rotary Charities, known for its support of local non-profits, started 2019 with a big statement. For its first donation of the year, they selected HAVEN, an Oakland County Resource for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault based in Pontiac. Blanca Fauble, HAVEN’s Director of Development, was present at the club’s weekly lunch meeting to receive the contribution and … [Read more...]

The Women’s Fund is Looking for Grant Recipients

The Women’s Fund is looking for non-profit organizations that are in need of assistance and can benefit from their grants. The Women’s Fund provides focused grants to local non-profit organizations throughout Oakland County that support women. Grants are awarded once a year and applications must be submitted by October 14 to be considered. Requests for funding must be submitted on a Women’s Fund Grant Application. For grant requests of $1000 or less, use the Short Form Application and for … [Read more...]

Updated on Grant to Haven

The Women’s Fund likes writing checks. However, even better is getting to see how the funds change lives. Last year the Women’s Fund provided presented Haven with a $3000 grant to help victims of domestic violence through their client employment initiative. The grant enabled ongoing client support from their Manager of Resources and Community Partnerships as well as the purchase of twenty-five gas cards to help clients pay for work transportation. Clients receive individual or group … [Read more...]

19 Charities Receive Oakland Casual Day Funds

Oakland County employees donated a total of over $50,000 to support local charities in 2015 through the county’s Casual Day program, County Executive L. Brooks Patterson said during a special ceremony today in the lobby of the Executive Office Building. On Casual Day, employees in participating departments and divisions may donate $1 to wear jeans or dress casually. Patterson presented 19 organizations which serve the community with checks totaling $31,500 during the special ceremony. County … [Read more...]

15 charitable organizations and disabled veteran to share $29,000

On Wednesday, December 17 at 2 p.m., Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson will give a total of $28,000 to 15 charities during his annual holiday news conference where he distributes money donated by county employees on Casual Day. In addition, county staff will privately deliver a $1,000 check to a disabled Vietnam veteran who reached out to Mr. Patterson to help him find funds to repair a failing septic system that potentially would have driven the veteran and his family from their … [Read more...]

Oakland County Officials Slated to Present HAVEN and Tricia R. Dare with the Victim Services Distinction Awards

On Wednesday, April 17, 2013, in recognition of National Crime Victim’s Rights Week, April 21 through 27, 2013, Oakland County Officials will honor Tricia R. Dare, Oakland County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney and Special Victims Section Leader, and the HAVEN organization for their outstanding work on behalf of crime victims. The Victims Services Distinction Awards will be presented by Oakland County Commissioner Jim Runestad, Oakland County Sheriff Michael J. Bouchard and Oakland County … [Read more...]

Patterson Promotes Denim Day

County Executive L. Brooks Patterson has declared Friday, April 26, 2013 Denim Day in Oakland County, Mich. to raise awareness of victims of sexual assault. Patterson encourages Oakland County businesses, schools, and local governments to participate in the campaign. “As county executive and former prosecutor, I’ve seen firsthand the emotional and physical toll of sexual assault on its victims,” Patterson said. “Denim Day is a very visible way to take a stand against rape.” Patterson has … [Read more...]