Get Covered America shares 10 ways health coverage can help you celebrate Valentine’s Day

From Enroll America: New Health Care Coverage Options Have Sweetened February 14 for Consumers LANSING, MI -- This Valentine's Day, as Michiganders fret over whether they should say "I love you" with chocolate or flowers, Get Covered America boldly asks, "Why not say it with health care?" In honor of St. Valentine, here are the top ten reasons why getting health insurance can make this year's jour d'amour extra lovely. Chocolate can put weight on your waist, but having health insurance … [Read more...]

Still confused about shopping for health insurance? Check out this quick video

Are you shopping for health insurance with the best benefits in mind? Know what those benefits are? Since the deadline for buying health coverage this year is March 31, Priority Health has shared a quick video to help you shop smart for you and your family. You can view the video here. Have a tip? Help other readers make wise purchases and leave us a message in the comment box below! To learn more, visit   … [Read more...]

Have questions about health insurance? Visit the RHPL on Nov. 14

When we compiled some helpful tips for buyers shopping the Michigan health insurance exchange earlier this fall, we mentioned the Wayne State University Physician Group would be hosting a free event in our area—we just didn’t know when, at the time. Well, good news, the date is confirmed! So add Thursday, Nov. 14 to your calendar if you want some questions answered about health insurance. Walk-in appointments are welcome from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Rochester Hills Public Library (500 Old … [Read more...]

Are Michiganders buying health insurance?

Have you trekked the Mich. exchange to purchase health insurance? Were you successful? Encounter error messages? When the state’s marketplace opened for enrollment on Tuesday, Oct. 1, the federal site experienced something of historic proportions, said Erin Knott of Enroll America. “The numbers were just so incredibly high and because of that surge of folks that were from Mich. and the other 32 states that are part of the federal exchange, there were some slowdowns,” she … [Read more...]

Shopping for health insurance

Oct. 1 marks the kickoff of Mich.'s Health Insurance Marketplace, will you be shopping for coverage? With policies starting as early as Jan. 1, residents statewide have been preparing to see just how the Affordable Care Act will apply to them. (Check out our coverage on more of the law's highlights here.) “For the first time ever in our history, families are going to be able to go to the exchange and shop for health insurance policies that meet their needs and their family’s budget,” … [Read more...]

Preparing for healthcare changes this fall

As October nears, how will the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) affect you and your family? “The reform will affect different people in different ways,” said David K. Jones, a doctoral candidate at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health, whose dissertation research examines the role of states in implementing the new healthcare law. This week, local experts explain some of the basics of healthcare reform to help you understand some of the changes. More … [Read more...]