The 2016 Paddle to the Symphony For over 20 years, Kensington Metropark in Milford, Michigan, has been the home to Paddle to the Symphony. Once again, the event returns to the park and to Kent Lake for an evening of music and paddling. The Michigan Philharmonic performs a free concert at 7:30 p.m. on Maple Beach. However, Paddle to the Symphony goers will meet on the other side of the lake on the shoreline of North Martindale Beach – hence the term paddle to the symphony. Started by … [Read more...]
Hostelling for the Not-So-Young, Part Two
Hostelling for the Not-So-Young, Part Two Read Hostelling for the Not-So-Young, Part One First How to Book a Hostel Hostels come in all shapes and sizes, new and old, here and there. I like to use “HI” hostels. Hostelling International hostels are affiliates of a worldwide organization in 90 countries featuring over 4,000 hostels. You’ll need to buy a membership card ($28.00 annually) before you travel. However, there are many non-affiliated hostels around the world that work just as … [Read more...]
Hostelling for the Not-So-Young
Maybe your friend is in Australia right now? Perhaps your daughter is backpacking Europe this summer before she starts college? Or, maybe your parents are driving the western states coastline? Chances are, hostels may be one their accommodation choices and it doesn't matter what their age is ... Hostelling for the Not-So-Young (part one) Running around the world with a backpack, jumping on trains and buses, and sleeping in hostels may seem like an adventure for college students on summer … [Read more...]
Paddle to the Symphony July 12
Paddle to the Symphony A long-standing event that has been going on so long, no one seems to remember the first year it began. The Michigan Council of Hostelling International started the fundraiser 20 (or so) years ago when the Detroit Symphony Orchestra performed free summer concerts. For the last several years, the Michigan Philharmonic provides the tunes. This year’s event is on Saturday, July 12, and features music from the Beatles. Attendees paddle across Kent Lake at Kensington … [Read more...]
Paddle to the Symphony 2013
Paddle to the Symphony Online Registration Available until June 20 It’s not too late to register for this year’s Paddle to the Symphony event at Kensington Metropark. The Michigan Philharmonic returns for its third annual visit to perform “An American Salute,” a family-friendly concert on Friday, June 21 at 8:00 p.m. Participants paddle across Kent Lake from the North Martindale Picnic Shelter to the concert area set up at Maple Beach. Started nearly 20 years by Hostelling … [Read more...]
Budget Travel to Europe part three
Read Part One, then Read Part Two, then read: Part Three of How to Budget Travel to Europe: Tips, Tricks, and Advice From the basics of planning and going to making the most of your holiday Local Transportation Taking a cab or taxi can be fun, a little scary at times and may offer an interesting look at the city. If two or three are travelling together, the price break per person can be a good deal. However, local transportation is cheaper, puts you in touch with the locals, and … [Read more...]
Paddle to the Symphony
The Michigan Philharmonic The Michigan Council of Hostelling International (HI-USA) once again is presenting Paddle to the Symphony. This signature annual event takes place on Friday evening, June 22, 2012, at Kensington Metropark in Milford, MI. Participants will enjoy an evening on Kent Lake while listening to the Michigan Philharmonic lead by conductor Nan Washburn. Selections of classical music and fun American patriot tunes will celebrate the Michigan summer with thoughts of our most … [Read more...]
Finding Friends to Enjoy the Joys of Summer
Hiking through thick woods and setting up camp in the twilight is all worth it when the stars come out and dot the night sky. Kicking a soccer ball past the fingertips of the goalie makes your racing heart beat even faster. Zipping across a peaceful Michigan lake in a kayak for the first time calms the soul. All you need now is a group of like-minded individuals to share the adventure with. Both traditional organizations and Internet groups provide that opportunity. Metro Detroit Athletes … [Read more...]