Dear Crabby, Will All This Construction Ever End?

Dear Crabby, I know we Michiganders have complained about construction in the past, but seriously. So far it seems like this is the worst it has been in years. Am I right? It feels like it will never end. Please tell me I’m wrong. Thanks! Patience Paver Dear Patience Paver, I hate to be the bearer of bad news… who am I kidding – I love it! The construction will eventually end, but until that time driving around is going to feel like getting a tooth pulled without the aid of … [Read more...]

Dear Crabby, Will I-75 Be Finished in Our Lifetime?

Dear Crabby, Just when you think Michigan’s orange barrel season might be tapering off – boom! The big I-75 project starts. Do you really think it will take as long as they’re saying? If so, I may need to move. Thanks, Bob Bitumen Dear Bob Bitumen, First, I think it’s hilarious that you believe orange barrel season ever ends in this state. I’m pretty sure somewhere there is still some road being worked on dating back to when Michigan became a state in 1837. Second, I definitely … [Read more...]