The Rochester Symphony Orchestra proudly presents its 63rd Season – An Evening in Italy and Bohemia

Step into a musical journey through Italy and Czechoslovakia with the Rochester SymphonyOrchestra's (RSO) 63rd Season. Attend on Friday, September 20, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s Methodist Church in Rochester for an evening that promises to enchant one's senses and elevate their soul with the enchanting melodies of classical music. The evening kicks off with Rossini's enchanting “Overture to La gazza ladra,” or “The ThievingMagpie,” a tale of mystery and mischief set to the sound of … [Read more...]

Ireland, Costa Rica, and Italy

My Favorite Destinations As a travel writer, I'm often asked "Where is your favorite place to visit?" And the funny thing about travel writers is that they really don't have one place that is their favorite. We have many, and for different reasons. I usually answer with Ireland, Costa Rica and Italy. Sometimes I answer, "wherever I go next" or "anywhere I haven't been," but I'm sure you want more detail about my responses. Ireland for the People The Irish are super friendly; Ireland … [Read more...]