Dusting Off Your 2011 Goals

The month of June marks the halfway point for the year. How are you tracking to your 2011 goals?  Do you have great action and momentum? Or, do you find yourself settling back into your comfort zone? It”s never too late to make a fresh start and ignite your goals for the year.  Here are a few tips for staying focused on your goals: Put your goals in writing. Be specific about your goals and make them measurable. A goal such as “Lose 15 pounds by October 15, 2011” is specific … [Read more...]

Staying Motivated to Accomplish Your 2011 Goals

How are your New Year"s resolutions coming along?  Now that we"re almost to the end of January, you may find yourself settling back into your comfort zone instead of moving ahead with strong motivation. However, it"s never too late to make a fresh start and ignite your goals for the year.  Here are a few tips for staying focused on your goals: Put your goals in writing. Be specific about your goals, and make them measurable. A goal such as "Lose 15 pounds by March 31, 2011" is specific … [Read more...]

What Is on Your Holiday Wish List?

The holiday season can be a very busy and stressful time of year. During the season, it can be easy to put yourself on the backburner. Your gift and to-do lists are probably a mile long and your weekends and evenings are most likely jampacked with parties, shopping, and family engagements. Before you spend another minute adding something else to your list or calendar, take a closer look. Are you on them? If not, why not? Now is a great time to reflect on your own wish list and all the things … [Read more...]

Kick-start 2011: Two Great Reads

Here are two great book recommendations to help you kick-start 2011. If you"re looking for recommendations on other books to read or want to brainstorm ways to make 2011 your best year yet, I"m only an email away! Now What? by Laura Berman Fortgang   Your life’s purpose, while it can feel incredibly big and elusive, is very likely under your nose. You are probably already living your purpose but haven’t yet named it. If you have identified that a career change is needed or you’re drawn to … [Read more...]

Set Your 2011 Goals Today!

You may be thinking that it"s only November and why should you start thinking about next year already.  Well I have created a top ten list for you to put your goal setting in perspective. Read through this list and see what you can come up with on your own. If you get stuck or want some positive reinforcement, I"m only an e-mail away! Top Ten Reasons to Set Your 2011 Goals Today! Fall is a season of inspiration, change, and renewal. You have probably been "back-to something" for more … [Read more...]

Social Media and Your Job Search

You already use Facebook and other forms of social media to stay connected with friends, so why not leverage it for your job search? Here"s an overview of ways to incorporate social media as part of your job search strategy. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a "must do" for your job search. Recruiters and hiring managers have started to rely on LinkedIn as a key source for candidate searches.  Create a profile on LinkedIn that details your experience, expertise, and interests. You can search companies … [Read more...]