Citizen Opinion by Scot Beaton Fiscal Responsibility, Rochester Hills Hats off to all those who worked on the police millage proposal: Don Cline, Dale Hetrick, Walter Johnson, Linda Raschke, LeAnne Rogers, Nancy Soisson and Thomas Stephens. (hundreds of hours of work NO compensation from the city) but because of the current economic condition the nation is currently in, threats of a fiscal cliff etc., a straight up renewal would probably be the only millage the residents of Rochester Hills … [Read more...]
Schuette asked to settle OPC budget dispute
June 19, 2012 by Leave a Comment
The dispute over the Rochester Older Persons Commission budget is now in the hands of Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette. The city of Rochester has asked Schuette for an opinion on whether the OPC is violating state law that governs entities created by an interlocal agreement, specifically by spending money without a budget approved by the member communities. Rochester Hills City Council and the Oakland Township Board have approved the OPC’s 2012 budget; Rochester City Council has … [Read more...]