REVIEW: Make a Date to See the Fearless and Funny ‘Calendar Girls’ at Avon Players

Singer/songwriter Neil Sedaka was right on the money when he sang, “I love, I love, I love my calendar girl.” Or in this case, I loved the opening night of Avon Players’ spirited production of Calendar Girls, running now until Saturday, January 28 in Rochester Hills, MI. If the name of this play sounds familiar, chances are you may have seen the 2003 movie starring Dames Helen Mirren and Julie Walters. Inspired by real-life events, the action mainly takes place in the quaint village of … [Read more...]

Dear Crabby, Do You Watch Scary Movies?

Dear Crabby, Every October, the Freeform channel does ’31 Nights of Halloween.’ The movies shown are pretty tame: The Addams Family, Ghostbusters, Hocus Pocus, you get the idea. Do you watch Halloween movies? And if you do are they the really scary ones like Nightmare on Elm Street? Thanks! Gwen Gothic Dear Gwen Gothic, Last year a reader asked what I thought about haunted houses. I told this person that I find daily life scary enough and I don’t need to fork over my hard-earned … [Read more...]