The Rochester Hills Public Library presents “Hemingway’s Last Good Country: Northern Michigan as He Knew It” with Michigan author John Cohassey The Rochester Hills Public Library will host “Hemingway’s Last Good Country: Northern Michigan as He Knew It,” with Michigan author John Cohassey on Thursday, Jan. 30, from 7-8:30 p.m. in the library’s Multipurpose Room. Cohassey will discuss his latest book about Ernest Hemingway and the famed writer's ties to northern Michigan. Cohassey’s first … [Read more...]
Rochester Historical Commission Founder’s Day Celebration 2019
The Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm Hosts The Rochester Historical Commission for Founder’s Day Celebration The Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm is pleased to host the Rochester Historical Commission for our community’s recognition of Founder’s Day that celebrates the arrival of the James Graham family in the Rochester area, on March 17, 1817, founding the first permanent settlement in Oakland County. Enjoy a presentation by John Cohassey and his presentation of The … [Read more...]
Hemingway Homecoming 1919
The Rochester-Avon Historical Society Presents “Hemingway Homecoming 1919” with John Cohassey The Rochester-Avon Historical Society’s will hold its monthly evening meeting on Thursday, March 2 at 7:00 p.m. at the Rochester Hills Public Library, 500 Olde Town Road. Guest speaker John Cohassey will present “Hemingway’s Homecoming 1919,” a look at the year when author Ernest Hemingway decided to become a writer, returned from WWI, and spent the fall and most of the winter in … [Read more...]