Dear Crabby, Where’s All the Road Construction?

Dear Crabby, Before life as we knew it came to a grinding halt, there was road construction everywhere. Nowadays, I occasionally see a patch crew. It seems with less traffic that now would be the perfect time to get the bulk of the road work completed. Is it not considered ‘essential?’ What am I missing here? Thanks! Arnold Autobahn Dear Arnold Autobahn, You make an excellent observation. It seems like only yesterday, that I was musing whether or not the construction in our state … [Read more...]

Joslyn Resurfacing in Orion Twp. Begins Today

According to the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC), today resurfacing work will begin on Joslyn Road from Clarkston Road to Indianwood Road in Orion Township. The road will remain open to traffic during the construction; however, motorists can expect delays. The $806,000 project is funded by RCOC, and the 1.2 mile project includes: Milling the current surface Road-base repair work Guardrail upgrades Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant sidewalk upgrades … [Read more...]