Dear Crabby, My kids keep begging me for a puppy. Problem is they go to school all day, my husband works, and I'll be the one to take care of it full-time. That means I'll be the one taking it outside in the wet dreary weather, drying muddy paws, and cleaning up after it. I need a creative solution. Do you have any advice? Sincerely, Tina Tucker-Dout Dear Mrs. Tucker-Dout, If your solutions are anything like Mrs. Crabby's, it will involve you putting the dog in the garage or … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Why Do People Complain About Getting Wet At The Pool?
Dear Crabby, Every summer, it's the same thing. I take my kids to a community pool, and there's always someone who gets mad about the kids splashing in the water. What's their deal? Don't they realize that's what kids are supposed to do in a cold pool on a hot summer day? Sincerely, Getting Heated Dear Getting Heated, Well I am probably one of those irritating folks that would be yelling at the kids too - but that's just what I do! I can see where some people just want to enjoy the … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, My Kids Won’t Eat Healthy Foods!
Dear Crabby, I can't get my kids to eat healthy for anything. What is a mother supposed to do to get her kids on the right side of the food pyramid these days? Sincerely, Helen Healthy Dear Ms. Healthy, I know every kid is different, and every situation has it's own proper solution, but let me tell you about my personal experience with my grand kids. One time, a buddy of mine joined me in taking my three grandsons camping for the weekend. When I went to pick them up, my daughter … [Read more...]
April Activites For Kids At RHPL
Residents of Rochester, Rochester Hills, and Oakland Township, don’t miss these exciting events through the Rochester Hills Public Library. Registration is online. Confirmation numbers are required at the door. See the Schedule of Events on our website at or contact Youth Services at (248) 650-7140 for more information. Celebrate Spring Break with Joel Tacey’s Tiptop Entertainment All ages with an adult Friday, April 8 10:30 – 11:15 a.m., Multipurpose … [Read more...]
What do I do with bored kids?
Dear Crabby, It's summer vacation and my kids tell me everyday that they're bored! What can I do around town that won't cost a fortune? - Frazzled Mom Dear Frazzled, Ah yes, summer vacation, the two words that bring joy to the hearts of children and fear into the hearts of mothers. In true advice column form, I will begin by asking you a question. Why did you have children in the first place? Social status? Peer pressure? Future security? Mrs. Crabby and I chose to have children because … [Read more...]