by Sue Douglas Proposal 1 Will Cost Average Michigan Household Up to $525 a Year in Extra Taxes From Capitol Confidential at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy "...of which $1.3 billion would go to funding public roads." NO. $1.3 billion is going to "transportation" after specific allocations are taken off the top. Of the remaining funds, 79% goes to roads and bridges. Of that 79%, 39% stays at M-DOT for State Highways, 39% is divided up between the County Road Commissions and … [Read more...]
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Rochester Area Republican Club meetings
The Rochester Area Republican club meets at the American Legion Hall (SE corner of Walnut and Third Street in Downtown Rochester) Please use the Third Street entrance Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. September 20th meeting, Judge Michael Warren will talk about three things: His re-election campaign Patriot Week (9/11 to 9/17) And the Obamacare Ruling from his perspective as a Circuit Court Judge and Constitutional Law professor To read Judge Michael … [Read more...]
Demand Government Transparency
We should demand transparency from our government – at all levels. When first coming to office as a state representative, I was surprised to make headlines over something I didn’t give a second thought. I posted online the expenses of my office, including my staff’s names and their salaries. Little did I know that this was something no other state elected official had ever done. It was information I thought taxpayers should know. Sometime later, as I was talking about how we need to bring in … [Read more...]