Oakland Township Kicks Off 2020-2024 Parks, Recreation, and Land Preservation Master Plan Activities Oakland Township welcomes everyone’s help in shaping the goals, objectives and projects in the Township’s 2020 – 2024 Parks, Recreation, and Land Preservation Master Plan. The Public Is Invited To Participate In Several Ways Take part in the online Opinion Survey which is available through October 9. If you prefer a hard copy you can stop by the Parks and Recreation Office, second … [Read more...]
Planning for the Future of Rochester Hills
City Embarks on Master Plan Process The City of Rochester Hills is seeking community input for its 2018 Master Plan. The Master Plan serves as a big-picture, long-range document that guides policy and decision-making about how land in the city is used for housing, transportation, commerce, and recreation. With public input, the city will revisit the goals and objectives of previous planning documents to see if they are still in alignment with the collective vision for our city’s future. It … [Read more...]
Op-Ed: What’s a “Special Project” in the City of Rochester?
Op-Ed: What's a "Special Project" in the City of Rochester? By Sue Ann Douglas for Rochester Media That's a good question, I hear questions and complaints on a regular basis, and I couldn't answer that question and why things seem to be happening that threaten our historic and quaint downtown. Therefore, here's what I've found out. The City's goal through their new Master Plan is density. You heard me right but I'll say it louder DENSITY. They tell me that's what everyone wants. … [Read more...]
Rochester Calls on Citizens to Help Chart the Future
As the City of Rochester embarks on the process of writing a Master Plan Update, it is asking its residents, business owners, students, seniors and all other members of the community to join in a Community Visioning session on Thursday, October 27th, 2011, at the Community House, 816 Ludlow Drive, to discuss and help create a new vision for Rochester. Designed to be highly-interactive, engaging and fun, the session will provide residents the opportunity to help chart the course for the … [Read more...]
City of Rochester Updates- from Master Plans to Big Bright Lights!
Rochester’s Planning Commission has begun the task of updating the city’s master plan. Chairman David Gassen said the commission has conducted a survey of city officials, held seven workshops and drafted a vision statement. The first of four opportunities for public input will be scheduled in October. The master plan covers everything from design policy to housing density and parking management. It is typically followed by revision of the zoning ordinance. “The community will be part and … [Read more...]
Déjà-vu All Over Again in Rochester?
It was over 30 years ago when I started attending Rochester City Council meetings to try to figure out why the city’s zoning ordinance didn’t hold up in court. Single family properties were being “spot zoned” on main roads. I remember City Council Member Sam Howlett telling me that they didn’t want to rezone these properties,but when they didn’t, they were sued and lost. That just didn’t seem right to me, so I started reading anything I could find on zoning, including court cases. Aha! I … [Read more...]