There is good news and bad news regarding Avon Players Theatre’s 2019-20 season-opening production of Mamma Mia! the smash-hit musical. First the good news: if you have tickets to see this show, you’re in for a fun time. The bad news? The entire run is completely sold out.* Last season I was extremely impressed with Avon Players musical production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. And I’ll be honest when I saw Mamma Mia! was on this season’s schedule, I wondered how it would compare. … [Read more...]
REVIEW: Avon Players’ ‘Marvin’s Room’ Embodies Hope and Healing
After ending 2018 on a high note with the musical The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Avon Players Theatre kicks off the second half of their season with the emotional Marvin’s Room. Written by Scott McPherson and inspired by his own experiences as a caregiver, most people are probably more familiar with the 1996 film adaptation by John Guare starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Diane Keaton, and Meryl Streep. While I never saw the movie, I had a vague notion of what the story was about, and as I sat in the … [Read more...]
A Fractured Family Reunites in Avon Players’ ‘Marvin’s Room’
Heartwarming Play Proves it’s Never too Late to go Home Unexpected developments lead to an unlikely reconciliation for one family in Avon Players’ production of Marvin’s Room running January 18-February 2. Adult sisters Bessie (Deirdre Ward-Beck) and Lee (Lia DiFonzo) have not seen each other for many years. When Bessie is diagnosed with leukemia, Lee returns home to Florida, and the estranged siblings reunite. In tow are Lee’s two troubled sons: Hank (Bodi Johnson), who is in a mental … [Read more...]
REVIEW: ‘Into the Woods’ Takes the Audience on a Magical Journey Filled with Laughter and Introspection
Before heading to the opening night production of Into the Woods presented by the Oakland University School of Music, Theatre and Dance, I learned the entire opening weekend is sold out. And I want to assure you, after the performance I saw, the hype is well justified. Actually, this is not my first viewing of Into the Woods this year. Earlier in the spring another local college performed it on a massive stage with wonderful costumes and props. But in all honesty, I barely remember … [Read more...]
REVIEW: Avon Players’ ‘The Bridges of Madison County’ Transcends a Typical Love Story
From real-life tragedy to comedy and even murder, Avon Players has taken audiences on an exciting journey during its 2017-2018 season. Now, for their curtain call it’s time for one final road trip that leads to The Bridges of Madison County. Over 25 years ago, readers fell in love with the book and soon after came the movie starring Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood. While both these versions were wildly popular when they were released, I confess I never read the book or saw the movie. In … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, How can I enjoy that which I hate?
Dear Crabby, My husband loves to go to fishing shows on the weekends and I absolutely hate them! I don't want him to think I don't like being with him, but I just find nothing appealing about fish! How am I supposed to deal with this? Sincerely, Wanda B. True Dear Ms. True, Are you wondering if I have ever done something that I dislike just to be with my wife? Or if my wife has ever done something she disliked just to be with me? Well, either way the answer is "yes!" I think that … [Read more...]