State of Michigan House Representative Michael Webber, a Republican from Rochester Hills, will be hosting office hours for residents to meet with him to share coffee and conversation regarding state government at the Tim Horton's on Crooks Road in Rochester Hills. His "office hours" will be Friday, January 15, from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Tim Horton's at 2258 Crooks Road in Rochester Hills (at Avon Industrial Drive and Star-Batt Drive). Tim Horton's on Crooks was one of several New … [Read more...]
State Rep. Michael Webber offers Office Hours at local Tim Horton’s
State Representative Candidate Michael Webber responds to drilling moratorium
Please Note: The content in this post was received via email from the Committee To Elect Michael Webber For State Representative - 45th District. It was posted solely as Mr. Webber's opinion. No compensation was received by Rochester Media for posting it, nor should it be perceived as an endorsement of Mr. Webber's campaign. Dear Supporters, Over the last two years, there has been a lot of discussion regarding Oil and Gas drilling in the Rochester area. This discussion has also been … [Read more...]
Webber thanks supporters for primary win
Dear Supporters, By now you have probably seen the results from Tuesday night. Because of your help and support I was able to win the Republican primary and move on to the November 4th General Election. It was a hard fought victory. I have a great deal of respect for my Republican opponents - Mark Avery and Lana Mangiapane. Both candidates ran spirited and positive campaigns for the nomination. They have reached out to me to help in the fall and I appreciate their support. Thank you … [Read more...]
45th District candidate Mike Webber takes time to serve the community
Below is a message from Michael Webber, who is running for State Representative, 45th District: "service to community is the best work of life" - Jaycee Creed This weekend I took a break from the Campaign Trail to provide Service to the Community. Each year with the Rochester Area Jaycees, Julia and I have assisted in delivering Easter Baskets - filled with household items - to homebound seniors in the greater Rochester area. Our family looks forward to this project each year. We … [Read more...]
Revisiting the Pit Bull issue
In the winter of 2010-2011, the Rochester Hills City Council debated the need for a breed specific ordinance for Pit Bulls after some biting incidents in our community. City Councilman Martin Brennan and I wrote Point/Counter Point editorials for Rochester Media and other media outlets on the Pros and Cons of such a ban. Rochester Media has asked me to revisit the issue a few years later. At the time I made the following points against banning a specific breed – and I still believe … [Read more...]
Rochester Area Junior Chamber announce 2013 Board of Directors
During the January meeting of the Rochester Area Junior Chamber (Jaycees), a swearing in ceremony occurred for the 2013 Board of Directors. Each member of the board will serve for a one-year term. The board includes: 58th Chapter President – Michael Webber Chairman of the Board – Dan Moellering Management Vice President – Julia Webber Membership Vice President – Paul Jackson Individual Development Vice President – Krista Tocco Secretary – Karen Geibel Directors – Jocelyn … [Read more...]