Iconography and Mythology—The Sequel

Professor Beverly Smith returns to the Rochester Hills Public Library on Thursday, November 8th at 7 to 8:30 p.m. to explore several of the myths and symbols much used in television, film, games and literature today from Avatars to Zombies. Prominent among these myths and symbols will be those of the Celts, Norse, Indians, Werewolves and Vampires. We will explore how these ancient stories with their timeless messages, provide a continuous stream of inspiration. The myths and symbols will be … [Read more...]

Iconography and Mythology

Western artists historically have drawn inspiration for their works from religious and mythological beliefs, to symbols of Christianity from Egypt, Greece and Rome. Contemporary artists have also been influenced by beliefs and symbols of Asian, Indian, Norse, Native American, African and other world cultures. These are the basis for movies, books, video games, animated stories and all forms of literature and art. Beverly Smith, Professor of Art History, will discuss some of these great stories … [Read more...]