Dear Crabby, Will 2021 be Better than This Year?

Dear Crabby, I am almost too afraid to ask this question, but what do you think the New Year will bring us?Thanks, Rita RenaissanceDear Rita Renaissance, You are indeed a brave soul for even asking. My longtime readers know that I usually use my last December post to talk about the year that was, so here goes: toilet paper, hand sanitizer, Zoom, masks, quarantine, and vaccine. That about sums it up. Happy New Year, everyone!  Does that answer your question? OK. I’ll keep talking … [Read more...]

Dear Crabby, What Are Your Hopes for 2020?

Dear Crabby, A new year is right around the corner. Is there anything you’re looking forward to in 2020? Thanks! Nancy Nuova Dear Nancy Nuova, Ahhh, yes. Here we are once again on the cusp of a new year. All that optimism is enough to make anyone gag. This week the circulars clogging our mailboxes will be filled with ads and sales to improve your health and organize your home. And let’s not forget about all the New Year’s resolutions people are going to make… and break before … [Read more...]

Dear Crabby, I’m Bored with my New Year’s Resolution Already

Dear Crabby, I’m already bored with my New Year’s resolution to eat better and workout. How long until I can give it all up? Sincerely, Kimmy A. Burger Dear Ms. Burger, I appreciate your honesty about being bored with the whole resolution thing. You may have noticed I like to be direct and honest too. So my suggestion is to lie. That’s right, mislead everyone. Way back when, before Mrs. Crabby – when history was current events, I dated a girl who smoked. Even though smoking was not … [Read more...]

Olive: The Other Essential Oil

One of my New Year's Resolutions for this year is to become a better cook. I have three very picky people that I cook for so while I want to serve them something that tastes good, I also want it to be healthy. That's where Olive Vinegar in Downtown Rochester comes into the picture. I have to admit that I was super intimidated to even enter this store. I honestly knew very little about olive oils and different types of balsamic vinegars before I went in. Plus, all those shiny glass bottles … [Read more...]

Dear Crabby, Should I Bother to Make Any New Year’s Resolutions?

Dear Crabby, It’s hard to believe that a week from today it will be another new year. So, I’m wondering if I should make any resolutions. What do you think? What are your thoughts on New Year’s resolutions? Thanks, Nate Nouveau Dear Nate Nouveau, Let me first start by saying you’re fat and lazy. Okay. Now that I’ve got your undivided attention… the problem with many New Year’s resolutions is that people make the same ones year after year along the lines of ‘I’m going to be more … [Read more...]