Dear Crabby, What’s the Story with Those Flag Shoes?

Dear Crabby, What's the Story with Those Flag Shoes that Nike was Selling and Now They're Not? Sincerely, Pat Triotic   Dear Pat, Yes, all over the news we've heard about the latest way Mr. Kaepernick is showing his true colors ... and they're not Red, White & Blue. I've talked about this gimmicky person before - you know  - the guy who can't stand during the national anthem. I'm not going to rehash what's right and what's a right, and what's wrong. But this guy (and probably … [Read more...]

Dear Crabby, When Should A Pro Athlete Retire?

Dear Crabby, I’m a huge NASCAR fan and I was bummed earlier this week when Dale Earnhardt, Jr. announced he would retire after this season. And while it’s sad to see such a legacy come to an end, I can understand him wanting to move on. But it did get me wondering about other pro athletes. Are there any that you think should retire? Thanks! Rhonda Racetrack Dear Ms. Racetrack, You pose an interesting question. No one wants to be told when he or she must retire. And I think as long … [Read more...]