Oakland County residents may now register for free Skywarn severe weather spotter training, County Executive L. Brooks Patterson announced today. Classes will be held throughout March and April at various locations in Oakland County. To register, go to OakGov.com/HomelandSecurity and click on the Skywarn logo or call 248-858-5300. “Only one instrument can detect a tornado or funnel cloud with complete certainty - the human eye,” Patterson said. “Weather spotters enable us to identify severe … [Read more...]
Schuette, Bullard Probing Questionable Mortgage Documents
April 25, 2011 by Leave a Comment
Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette announced today that he is working with Oakland County Register of Deeds Bill Bullard, and other local and federal authorities, to look into questionable mortgage documentation filed with Michigan's Register of Deeds offices during the current foreclosure crisis. Bullard and other county officials have uncovered Assignment of Mortgage documents filed in their offices with signatures of some mortgage executives that appear to have been forged by many … [Read more...]