Youth Suicide Prevention 4th Annual Community Forum

Oakland County Youth Suicide Prevention Task Force is hosting its 4th Annual Youth Suicide Prevention Community Forum. The event is Friday, May 20 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Troy Community Center, 3179 Livernois Rd, Banquet Rooms 304 – 305. All individuals interested in discussing youth suicide prevention and care coordination are invited to attend. Visit to RSVP. "Our youth are our future," said Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson. "By working together … [Read more...]

Oakland County takes action to prevent suicide

The Oakland County Youth Suicide Prevention Task Force is launching a year-long prevention and awareness campaign during National Suicide Prevention Week, September 8 through 14. It will include messages on billboards and busses about what signs to look for to prevent suicide and where to get help. The task force will also distribute posters to all Oakland County middle and high schools to encourage teens to seek help for depression and substance use, which can lead to suicide. It is the … [Read more...]