Oakland University Medical School Professor Announces Bid for Rochester City Council

Rochester resident, Douglas Gould, 52, has announced his campaign for Rochester City Council. Gould, a Rochester resident since 2012, lives on 2nd Street in downtown Rochester with his wife and two daughters. Douglas Gould “I’m running for City Council because I want to bring balance to the group; I seek to bring a progressive voice to Rochester City Council - I’m interested in better linking Oakland University with our community, revisiting public transportation for Rochester, and in … [Read more...]

Oakland University Graduate Student Linzi Hobbs Awarded Ash Honors Fellowship

The American Society of Hematology recently awarded the prestigious ASH HONORS fellowship to Oakland University (OU) graduate student Linzi Hobbs. The award contributes to the development of the next generation of hematologists by providing research funding for first-, second-, and third-year medical students, as well as first- and second-year medical residents. “I am excited to continue my research, thanks to the ASH HONORS award,” said Hobbs, a second-year medical student at the … [Read more...]

New Course to Help Heath Care Professionals Collaborate to Benefit Patients

Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine collaborates with University of Detroit Mercy on Inter-Professional Curriculum Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine (OUWB) and University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry (Detroit Mercy) will launch a new inter-professional course to educate medical and dental students on how health care professionals collaborate for the benefit of their patients. Beginning in March 2019, second-year Detroit Mercy dental … [Read more...]

Redefining the future of medicine: Second year of home visit program kicks off for nursing and med students, needs volunteers

Mary Paquin didn’t know who Beth Anne Sutton was when she answered her call a year ago. But within a few minutes, Paquin had agreed to help redefine the future practice of medicine—whether she knew it or not. The courtesy of personality Students of the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine and the School of Nursing are redefining the future practice of medicine through a home visiting program dubbed Partners in Care. The program aims to strengthen communication skills … [Read more...]