Mayor Barnett files for Michigan’s 8th Congressional District

Below is an email Rochester Hills Mayor Bryan K. Barnett sent to his supporters today. Dear Friend, Today I filed my paperwork to officially run for Michigan's 8th Congressional District. From the moment we launched our campaign, my wife Corrin and I have been overwhelmed by support from every corner of the district. We've been connecting with supporters, grassroots activists and small businesses with one simple message: send Bryan Barnett to Congress. Here's why: I've served as … [Read more...]

Is Obamacare Optional?

Friends, Here's something that many people don't know about - The President, Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats knew that millions of people would loose their insurance. Actually the Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) bill that was passed says that people who like their insurance can keep it. (Photo attached from However, when Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and the HHS staff wrote the rules, they made keeping your insurance almost impossible on … [Read more...]

Dear Crabby, What is happening to our health care?

Dear Crabby, I am starting to get really worried about our health care here in the United States. It seems like we were promised great, affordable, easy-to-use health care and now all we hear about is that the website doesn't work and the politicians aren't sure what it will even cost. I have quite a few years left to go and I am a little concerned about what is happening. What do you think? Sincerely, Late To-the-Game Dear Late To-the-Game, In some ways I feel like I am talking to … [Read more...]

Are Michiganders buying health insurance?

Have you trekked the Mich. exchange to purchase health insurance? Were you successful? Encounter error messages? When the state’s marketplace opened for enrollment on Tuesday, Oct. 1, the federal site experienced something of historic proportions, said Erin Knott of Enroll America. “The numbers were just so incredibly high and because of that surge of folks that were from Mich. and the other 32 states that are part of the federal exchange, there were some slowdowns,” she … [Read more...]

Shopping for health insurance

Oct. 1 marks the kickoff of Mich.'s Health Insurance Marketplace, will you be shopping for coverage? With policies starting as early as Jan. 1, residents statewide have been preparing to see just how the Affordable Care Act will apply to them. (Check out our coverage on more of the law's highlights here.) “For the first time ever in our history, families are going to be able to go to the exchange and shop for health insurance policies that meet their needs and their family’s budget,” … [Read more...]

Healthcare prices to increase for Michigan

As we await the outcome of the Michigan “Exchange” (Marketplace) to be launched October 1, some other states are getting out front, showing the significant cost impact of health reform. We believe Ohio, while lower priced than Michigan, is a good indicator of what we might expect here in Michigan: Ohio officials said late Thursday that health insurance costs will increase “significantly” under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The state’s department of insurance estimated the … [Read more...]

Privatizing hospital rooms

With the new Cornerstone South Tower addition wrapping up this coming fall, Crittenton Hospital Medical Center will offer more private rooms to its patients. The hospital will continue to hold its 290 licensed patient beds, but instead of housing predominantly semi-private rooms, there will be more space for all-private accommodations. Semi-private rooms contain two patients—an A- and B-bed, divided by a curtain—whereas all-private rooms house one patient and offer more space for … [Read more...]

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Rochester Area Republican Club meetings

The Rochester Area Republican club meets at the American Legion Hall (SE corner of Walnut and Third Street in Downtown Rochester) Please use the Third Street entrance Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. September 20th meeting, Judge Michael Warren will talk about three things: His re-election campaign Patriot Week (9/11 to 9/17) And the Obamacare Ruling from his perspective as a Circuit Court Judge and Constitutional Law professor To read Judge Michael … [Read more...]

McMillin Wants to Give Michigan Citizens the Right to Opt out of ObamaCare

State Rep. Tom McMillin last week introduced legislation allowing Michigan residents to opt out of the new federal health care mandate, known as "Obamacare".  "Last year’s passage of the takeover of America’s healthcare system was a direct assault on Americans' right to make their own informed decisions about their health," said McMillin, R-Rochester Hills.  "This legislation will ensure that Michigan residents will maintain control of their health care, that the Federal government can’t get … [Read more...]

Health Care Reform and Over-the-Counter Medications

Beginning January 1, 2011, the Patient Protection and Care Act (PPCA), aka Health Care Reform law, requires that over-the-counter medications (other than insulin) must be prescribed in order to qualify for reimbursement under your flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA). This change will have dramatic impact on the way we purchase and use over-the-counter items. Some are suggesting that health care costs will increase as individuals schedule physician office visits to get … [Read more...]