The Rochester Junior Women’s Club is looking for non-profit organizations that need assistance and can benefit from our fundraising. Each spring the club Donations Committee reviews requests submitted by local organizations requesting assistance. Based on the committee’s recommendations, annual recipients are selected for the major fundraisers as well as recipients for miscellaneous donations. The Rochester Junior Women’s Club (RJWC) has been serving the community since 1956. RJWC is a … [Read more...]
Rochester Junior Women’s Club is Seeking Area Non-Profit Organizations to Benefit
Walk or Run to Benefit Meals on Wheels
5k Run/Walk to Benefit Older Persons' Commission (OPC) Meals on Wheels Program Community members of all ages are encouraged to hit the trails on June 1 for the 14th annual OPC 5k Run/Walk for Meals on Wheels which provides meal delivery to homebound seniors in northeastern Oakland County. Registration for the run or walk begins at 7:00 a.m. and the race kicks off at 8:00 a.m. at the OPC. “This is a great community event to keep healthy and active while supporting a good cause,” said … [Read more...]
Riverstrings Concert to Benefit Meals on Wheels
Older Person's Commission (OPC) Welcomes Riverstrings June 9 Enjoy a musical evening with Riverstrings on June 9 at 7:00 p.m. to support Meals on Wheels. This event is open to the public and features a Family Fun Sing-A-Long. Riverstrings is comprised of a group of 27 musicians playing the mountain dulcimer, violin, guitar, banjo, dulciborn, penny whistle, marimbula, bongos and kazoos. Tickets are $10 per person. Call 248-608-0251 for more information. Held in the OPC Cattell Auditorium. … [Read more...]
Acts of Kindness Program Earns Senior Center $1000
The Women’s Fund Presents Grant to the Older Person’s Commission (OPC) The Women’s Fund recently presented the OPC with a $1000 grant for their Acts of Kindness Program. The OPC provides high quality programs and services that stimulate active and healthy living for all ages of older persons. OPC’s vision is to be the premier community resource center for the changing needs of older adults and those who love and care for them. OPC provides nutritional meals, senior resource services, … [Read more...]
Jewelry Sale this Thursday and Friday at the OPC
Bling, Glitz & Shine Jewelry Fundraiser at the Older Persons' Commission (OPC) The community is invited to shop for gently used jewelry, purses, scarves and more. There will also be a huge selection of costume jewelry. The Unique Boutique features a great selection of vintage, retro and fine jewelry. The Jewelry Sale hours are Thursday, May 18, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and Friday, May 19, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Proceeds support OPC Enrichment and Art Department. Public Welcome. No admission … [Read more...]
Fun Things to do with the Older Person’s Commission
Upcoming Events at the Older Person's Commission (OPC) OPC December Women’s Luncheon Betty Jones and Diana Schreiber will entertain OPC guests on December 22 from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. with their incredible talent. Sit back, relax and enjoy your favorite songs of the season with good friends. Lunch will be fabulous and served to us by the gracious Men Waiters of the OPC. Cost is $12. Sponsored by Guardian Angel Cemetery. OPC Men’s Breakfast OPC welcomes a representative from … [Read more...]
Upcoming Events at the OPC
Upcoming senior and community events held at the Older Persons’ Commission in Rochester. For more information on any of these events, visit The OPC is located at 650 Lettica Drive in Rochester. Zentangle Intro Class will be held September 7 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of drawing beautiful images from structured patterns. Experience the benefits of tranquil focus while creating beautiful art. For more information, visit … [Read more...]
Annual Pie Sale Kicks Off Fall Season in Rochester
OPC Annual Pie Sale Kicks Off Fall Season Fall in Michigan means it is apple season. What better way to celebrate the season than by participating in the annual Older Person's Commission (OPC) Apple Pie Fundraiser. This year 1800 pies will be available for curbside purchase at the OPC on Wednesday, September 7 through Friday, September 9 from 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Back again this year, pies will also be available from 9:00 a.m.-7:30 p.m. at the Art & Apples Festival in Rochester Municipal … [Read more...]
Rochester Junior Woman’s Club Celebrates 60 Years in the Community
In 1956, 16 Rochester women; Robin Blanton, Joan Brann, Marilyn Brooks, Mary Burke, Mary Eberline, Peg Fetterly, Eveline Goble, Pat Henry, Ruth Herkless, Helen Mair, Kathy Crowe McAfee, Tommy Nirider, Gwen Ott, Ibbie Price, Leonore Talley and Katy Upton, came together to help the Rochester community be a better place to live. And, today, 60 years later, RJWC is still making a difference, fundraising and contributing to community betterment programs and organizations. The nonprofit, … [Read more...]