In the winter of 2010-2011, the Rochester Hills City Council debated the need for a breed specific ordinance for Pit Bulls after some biting incidents in our community. City Councilman Martin Brennan and I wrote Point/Counter Point editorials for Rochester Media and other media outlets on the Pros and Cons of such a ban. Rochester Media has asked me to revisit the issue a few years later. At the time I made the following points against banning a specific breed – and I still believe … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Should Pit Bulls be Banned?
Dear Crabby, I have heard that these Pit Bulls are dangerous and unpredictable. A neighbor down the street has a dog that looks like a Pit Bull - should I be scared? Should these Pit Bulls be banned nationwide? Sincerely, Polly Protective Dear Ms. Protective, I really don't know the right answer on this one. On one hand, I don't think any animal should be allowed to be a threat to the civilian world, but on the other hand, I'm not sure how you legislate one specific breed of … [Read more...]
Pit Bulls: To Ban or Not To Ban?
Recently the Rochester Hills City Council and administration discussed the need for a breed specific pit bull ban following a few occurrences of pit bulls attacking other dogs. This debate drew much discussion from community members on the pros and cons of banning a specific breed from the community. It is important during any emotional debate to take a step back and review the facts so that a knee jerk reaction does not cause an over reach of government. Councilman Webber's Response … [Read more...]