Road Commission for Oakland County Expands Efforts to Address Potholes

The Road Commission for Oakland County is taking several additional steps this year to address the onslaught of potholes that is besieging roads across the region. “The true root cause of the severe pothole problem is Michigan’s decades-long road-funding crisis that has crippled road-agency efforts to repair roads. However, we are taking every step within our power to address this challenge,” RCOC Chairman Eric Wilson said. “We know that this situation is creating a burden for motorists, and … [Read more...]

RCOC Board announces six-point plan to attack potholes; introduces hotline

The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) Board has announced a six-point plan to attack the myriad of potholes and rough gravel roads left in the wake of the worst winter seen in the county in generations. “I have heard from motorists countywide of their frustrations resulting from one of the worst pothole seasons in Michigan’s history,” stated RCOC Chairman Greg Jamian. “Because of my concern, I asked our staff for an action plan that addresses a non-routine plan of attack on potholes … [Read more...]

Report Potholes Directly to the Road Commission

As spring pothole season approaches in Michigan, the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) asks residents and motorists to contact the agency directly to report potholes and other road safety issues. "Several Websites now encourage motorists to post road safety concerns,” noted RCOC Managing Director Brent Bair. “However, these sites do not share these complaints directly with the road commission." If pothole complaints are called or e-mailed directly to the Road Commission, they are … [Read more...]