The iconic coffee shop’s Smile Cookie program is back once again, for the first time in the spring, helping support multiple non-profits in the same local markets where Tim Hortons serves its guests. The program started in 1996 as a fundraiser to benefit a local children’s hospital, and the Smile Cookie program has now become synonymous with Tim Hortons philanthropic efforts across the U.S. From May 1-7, at participating restaurants, guests can purchase a Smile Cookie for $1.50, with 100% … [Read more...]
Rochester Junior Women’s Club is Seeking Area Non-Profit Organizations to Benefit
The Rochester Junior Women’s Club is looking for non-profit organizations that need assistance and can benefit from our fundraising. Each spring the club Donations Committee reviews requests submitted by local organizations requesting assistance. Based on the committee’s recommendations, annual recipients are selected for the major fundraisers as well as recipients for miscellaneous donations. The Rochester Junior Women’s Club (RJWC) has been serving the community since 1956. RJWC is a … [Read more...]
Don G. Pixley Memorial Scholarship Announced
Rochester Rotary Announces Don G. Pixley Memorial Scholarship in Honor of Family’s Donation to Rotary International Polio Fund In honor of lifelong Rochester area resident, Don Pixley, Rochester Rotary announces the Rochester Rotary Don G. Pixley Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship will be available to graduating seniors from Rochester area high schools who have overcome significant challenges or disabilities. The former director of the Pixley Funeral Home, Pixley contributed … [Read more...]
Bring Joy to a Michigan Child this Holiday Season
Be sure to make the “nice list” this year and brighten the holiday of a Michigan family in need by donating to The Rainbow Connection’s Annual Toy Drive through December 20. The Rainbow Connection (TRC) grants wishes to Michigan children battling life threatening illnesses. In 2017, wishes will be granted to more than 160 children right here in your community. TRC supports families beyond the wish as well, offering support services, toy deliveries and special gatherings to continue … [Read more...]
The Women’s Fund is Looking for Grant Recipients
The Women’s Fund is looking for non-profit organizations that are in need of assistance and can benefit from their grants. The Women’s Fund provides focused grants to local non-profit organizations throughout Oakland County that support women. Grants are awarded once a year and applications must be submitted by October 14 to be considered. Requests for funding must be submitted on a Women’s Fund Grant Application. For grant requests of $1000 or less, use the Short Form Application and for … [Read more...]
Rochester Rotary Club Golf Ball Drop, Raffle, and Charity Event
Charity Golf Outing The Rochester Rotary Charities will be hosting a golf outing on Monday, August 15, 2016 at Pine Trace Golf Club, 3600 Pine Trace Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309. Since 1952, the mission of the Rochester Rotary Club is to provide “Service Above Self”, through our club, to our community, and to the world. Throughout the years our charitable organization has touched every sector of community life from education to health, human services, youth and senior … [Read more...]
Rochester Junior Woman’s Club Celebrates 60 Years in the Community
In 1956, 16 Rochester women; Robin Blanton, Joan Brann, Marilyn Brooks, Mary Burke, Mary Eberline, Peg Fetterly, Eveline Goble, Pat Henry, Ruth Herkless, Helen Mair, Kathy Crowe McAfee, Tommy Nirider, Gwen Ott, Ibbie Price, Leonore Talley and Katy Upton, came together to help the Rochester community be a better place to live. And, today, 60 years later, RJWC is still making a difference, fundraising and contributing to community betterment programs and organizations. The nonprofit, … [Read more...]
Rainbow Connection Announces Wish Child for the 2015 Rochester Hometown Christmas Parade
The Rainbow Connection is pleased to announce the 2015 wish child chosen to ride along with Santa at the Hometown Christmas Parade on Dec. 6 in Downtown Rochester. Maddy is five years old and lives in Clawson with her parents and older brother. Maddy came into this world fighting when she was diagnosed with Downs Syndrome along with numerous other medical issues. The struggle continued with her first battle with cancer when she was diagnosed with AML (Leukemia) in May 2011. After … [Read more...]
Rochester and Stoney Creek High Schools Raise More than $20,000 for Rainbow Connection in Honor of Fellow Student
Rochester and Stoney Creek High Schools joined forces during the 2015 Charity Week, in memory of their classmate Gage Garmo, to raise more than $20,000 for The Rainbow Connection, the charity that fulfilled Gage’s wish to meet rapper Eminem. These same students had waged a social media campaign that escalated and drew international attention when 17-year-old Gage, who had been battling cancer, was told he had just days to live. Kelley Cusmano, Faculty Advisor to the student council at … [Read more...]