Dear Crabby, Before life as we knew it came to a grinding halt, there was road construction everywhere. Nowadays, I occasionally see a patch crew. It seems with less traffic that now would be the perfect time to get the bulk of the road work completed. Is it not considered ‘essential?’ What am I missing here? Thanks! Arnold Autobahn Dear Arnold Autobahn, You make an excellent observation. It seems like only yesterday, that I was musing whether or not the construction in our state … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, What Do You Think of Zipper Merging?
Dear Crabby, Just when I think I have the construction patterns down – bam! More are added to the mix. Between the new segment of I-75 starting soon and the work on Baldwin extending into 2020, I’m seeing more articles reminding drivers to zipper merge. But does it work and why should I let a car in at the last minute when I’ve been waiting in traffic forever? Thanks, Cyndy Sideswipe Dear Cyndy Sideswipe, Why should you indeed? I know our roads are in bad shape and need to be … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Will All This Construction Ever End?
Dear Crabby, I know we Michiganders have complained about construction in the past, but seriously. So far it seems like this is the worst it has been in years. Am I right? It feels like it will never end. Please tell me I’m wrong. Thanks! Patience Paver Dear Patience Paver, I hate to be the bearer of bad news… who am I kidding – I love it! The construction will eventually end, but until that time driving around is going to feel like getting a tooth pulled without the aid of … [Read more...]
Full Road Closure of Adams Road Bridge
The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) will be closing down the bridge on Adams Road north of Hamlin Road for preventative maintenance starting Thursday, July 11 through September 1, 2016. Road: Adams Road Bridge over Adams Road Project limits: Adams Road north of Hamlin Road Community: Rochester Hills Preventative maintenance project to extend life of the bridge … [Read more...]
RCOC Prepared for Winter: Hires Part-Time Staff to Augment Snowplow Drivers
The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) continually reviews its winter plowing and salting procedures with its truck drivers, preparing its trucks for winter and getting snow plows ready – all in anticipation of the inevitable arrival of winter weather. This year, for the fourth year in a row, RCOC is hiring part-time, temporary snowplow/salt-truck drivers to augment its shrinking full-time staff. The agency plans to hire 40 temporary drivers. “Additional money is not expected … [Read more...]
RCOC Reminds Residents to Keep Drains Clear
With heavy rains expected tonight and tomorrow, The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) issued a reminder to residents, businesses, and mowing contractors to not blow cut grass, leaves, and tree debris back into the roadway along the curb or into roadside ditches. These elements can plug the catch basins and roadside ditches that are designed to provide storm-water drainage and prevent flooding of the road system throughout Oakland County. So, keep the drains and ditches free of debris … [Read more...]
Oakland County Federal Aid Task Force to Meet on Oct. 13
The Oakland County Federal Aid Task Force will conduct its annual meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 13. The Task Force is responsible for selecting road improvement projects to receive federal road funds anticipated to come to Oakland County (assuming a new or extended federal highway bill). It is made up of representatives of the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC), the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), SMART (the suburban bus system) and all communities in the county. The meeting is … [Read more...]
Road Commission Staff Seeking Part-time Snowplow Drivers to Augment Full-time Staff
The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) is seeking to hire approximately 40 part-time snowplow drivers to augment its reduced full-time staff for the winter this year. “We have reduced our staff about 35 percent in recent years, and many of the workers we have lost served as snowplow drivers in the winter,” explained Managing Director Dennis Kolar. “The reality is we cannot afford to replace the full-time employees we have lost, but we also cannot provide the level of service our … [Read more...]
RCOC Updates Real-Time Traffic Map on Website with User-Friendly Features
The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) has updated the interactive Real-Time Traffic Map on its website with new and improved user-friendly features. The map uses RCOC’s high-tech FAST-TRAC traffic-signal system to capture and display real-time traffic congestion information for most primary roads in the county. It also includes real-time congestion information for freeways in the county provided by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT). Commuters can now select the … [Read more...]
Volunteers Continue to Transform Oakland County Roads
The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) recognizes 250 groups and organizations who volunteer to help clean litter and debris along roadsides in Oakland County through the Adopt-A-Road program. Earlier this week, the RCOC Board of Commissioners approved new Adopt-A-Road applications for another 6.5 miles of roads being adopted by three new groups. Through the program, organized groups volunteer to clean specific road segments two or three times during the year: in the spring, summer and … [Read more...]