The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) plans to complete more than $55 million worth of road improvements during the 2015 road construction season, ranging from road widenings and gravel road paving to resurfacing projects, bridge maintenance and culvert replacements and repairs. “Despite dwindling funds, we continue to improve roads throughout the county,” stated RCOC Chairman Ron Fowkes. “Oakland County has nearly $600 million in road needs. However, we continue to press forward and … [Read more...]
RCOC Gearing Up for More Than $55 Million Road Construction Season
Oakland County Roads Still in Bad Shape and Getting Worse
Despite a near record construction season including the reconstruction and resurfacing of many roads, a recent press release stated that more than 40 percent of the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) road system remains in poor condition, and that percentage is expected to continue to grow for the foreseeable future. In fact, RCOC calculates that $600 million worth of road projects is needed today just to preserve RCOC’s existing roads – and that number is going to continue to grow … [Read more...]
Public Input Meetings Planned to Discuss Widening of Dequindre
The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) will conduct two public input and information meetings related to the planned 2015/2016 reconstruction and potential widening of Dequindre Road between Long Lake and Auburn roads on the Troy/Sterling Heights and Rochester Hills/Shelby Township borders. The meetings will take place as follows: Meeting 1: Monday, June 18, 4 to 7 p.m. at Reuther Middle School , 1430 East Auburn Road in Rochester Hills (west of Dequindre). The meeting will be in … [Read more...]
Digging Up Bones in Downtown Rochester!
Word on the street today was that the construction crews tearing up Main Street in Downtown Rochester found some bones. While digging in front of Gus O'Connors Pub they uncovered an old well and near it some animal bones. We were told that MDOT called in some Archaeologists to investigate and examine the find. Reports came back that these bones were not prehistoric, but probably a small animal like a dog or a sheep. The history that is uncovered is being seen for the first time in decades, so … [Read more...]
Road Construction in Rochester and Surrounding Communities
The following projects may cause traffic delays on Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) roads between Aug. 10 and Aug. 17 or may start shortly thereafter. It is RCOC’s goal to conduct road improvement projects in a way that interferes with traffic as little as possible. This list includes both Road Commission projects and projects conducted by others, under permit, on roads under the jurisdiction of the Road Commission. Please note: This information is subject to change. Projects can … [Read more...]
Road Construction in Rochester and Rochester Hills April 2011
ROAD: Walton Blvd. from east of Adams Road to Great Oaks Blvd. Project: RCOC is resurfacing this road. During the project, at least one lane of Walton in each direction will remain open at all times, but motorists may experience some backups, especially during rush hours. Community: Rochester Hills Completion Date: By Aug. 12 ROAD: Crooks Road, just north and south of M-59 (from Austin Street to … [Read more...]
Road Construction on Walton, Crooks, and Silverbell
ROAD: Walton Blvd. from east of Adams Road to Great Oaks Blvd. Project: RCOC will resurface this road beginning approximately Monday, April 18. During the project at least one lane of Walton will remain open at all times, but motorists may experience some backups, especially during rush hours. Community: Rochester Hills Completion Date: By Aug. 12 ROAD: Crooks Road, just north and south of M-59 … [Read more...]